Bee Kind - Saving the world one bee at a time
by Clare Rose
Two days ago I rescued a bug bumblebee from a spider's web in the garden. It had obviously been there a while as it had gone quite pale (nearly white) on the fluffy part. Its legs were still moving, so I gently got the cocoon of the web off it and its wings were intact and looked in pretty good condition considering the circumstances.
I gave it some water with a drop of honey in and it seemed much better and then put it on a scabious flower. Yesterday I was out tidying and a bumbler hovered in front of my face doing a kind of waggle. It landed on my chest on my top and I jumped, so it took off and did the same waggle in front of me and then landed on me in the same spot for a minute or so. When I looked at it, I could tell it was the same bee I'd rescued 2 days earlier and said 'it is you isn't it?'
It lifted its front legs and I'm sure it had eye contact with me and stayed a few more seconds and hovered in front of me and then went about it's gathering duties. The experience happened in exactly the same spot in the garden where I'd found it cocooned. Such a lovely experience. I believe it came to thank me. This proves they have a memory and logical emotional thought processes doesn't it?